Every adult deserves to live free from fear and abuse. Yet, we find ourselves in a state where approximately 30,000 Missourians report suffering from or witnessing abuse each year, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as we know that only 4% of instances of abuse are reported. Recent studies state that post-pandemic, 1 in 5 people over 60 will be abused at some point in their lives.

These statistics are not acceptable, and at VOYCE, we’ve seen the need for change firsthand and are committed to driving that change forward.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant gaps in the systems working to stop elder and disabled person abuse. We saw the urgent need for collaboration to tackle these issues. Our elder justice system needs urgent reform to protect better and serve our aging and disabled population. We believe in making Missouri safer for all adults by proposing critical changes to our community support systems, laws, and policies.

A Framework for Change

VOYCE is proud to share A Framework for Advancing Missouri’s Response to Adult Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: Defining a Path Forward, which provides a shared vision of how to serve Missourians better.

We identified nine crucial areas to change by listening to those working in the field and survivors.

  • Centering survivors by improving the Survivor Experience through all parts of the justice system
  • Building awareness and prevention by enhancing Public Awareness for professionals and community members
  • Ensuring abuse ends for all Missourians through Prevention
  • Enhancing service delivery by coordinating a robust, responsive network to respond to Service & Resource Needs
  • Reducing confusion, delay, and repetition by developing a Coordinated Reporting and Response System
  • Preparing well-resourced and qualified response team members through Workforce Recruitment and Development
  • Growing the network of those affected by and interested in adult abuse through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Reducing underreporting and increasing the field’s understanding of the enormity of this problem through improved Data Management
  • Creating consistency, closing gaps, and reducing unintended consequences through Legislation

Our Allies in the Fight

We couldn’t do this alone. This report is a product of two years of work in lockstep with our partners, the University of Missouri Kansas City’s Institute on Human Development, Missouri’s Adult Protective Services, the Missouri Office of Prosecution Services and others all funded by the Missouri Foundation for Health. We’re grateful we are addressing this crisis together. Additionally, this report belongs to those who attended the Summits on Protecting Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities, and especially those survivors who told their stories.

Take the Next Step in Improving Our Elder and Disabled Abuse Response

Systems change can feel insurmountable, but as you’ll see in the framework, there is something everyone can do to make a difference. We hope you will find a place to jump in. Together, we are paving the way for a safer, more just Missouri for all adults. By implementing these changes, we can create a state where every individual lives free from fear and abuse and where justice is accessible to all.

“The time to act is now.”

Join us in making Missouri a safer place for all adults. Take the next step in improving our elder and disabled abuse response.